Date: 26-04-2021

IPR is the most important tool for economic growth of a nation. To promote and aware about IPR, we celebrated “World IP Day”. Program was conducted on ZOOM platform due to COVID restrictions. Following were the guest and speakers:

·        Sh. K. K. Pathak (IAS)

·        Smt. Archana Singh (IAS)

·        Sh. VK Sharma (Dir. MSME-DI Jaipur)

·        Dr. Rohit Jain, Patent & Trademark Attorney

·        Sh. Jitendra Sharma (Asst. Controller Patents)

·        Dr. Abhishek Tiwari(Joint Dir. UFYLC),

·        Sh. Sangeeth S Pillai (Asst. Pro. MNIT)

Around 110 participants joined this program.

Program Supported by: Trade Innovation Services Pvt. Ltd.

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