Webinar on “Opportunities and Financial Assistance to Agri based Start-ups, ODOP”

Date: 12-06-2021

A Webinar was conducted for Agri Start-ups on various State & Central Govt. schemes. In this program around 82 Agri start-ups participated. Following were the Guests and speakers:

·        Sh. S. S. Shah, Add. Director, DoI, GoR

·        Sh. V. K. Sharma, Director, MSME-DI, Jaipur

·        Dr. Ramesh Mittal, Director, NIAM, Jaipur

·        Sh. P. R. Sharma, Jt. Director, Ind. Dept., GoR

·        Sh. M. L. Gupta, Dir. (PHM), RSAMB

·        Dr. Rohit Jain, Patent & Trademark Attorney, Start-up facilitator

Program Supported by:

National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur

MSME-DI, Jaipur

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